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Shamil K. Salikhov http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5531-3045 Gasan N. Gasanov http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6181-5196 Magomedpazil A. Yahyaev http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9955-5019 Kamil M. Gadzhiev http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1150-9593 Rashid R. Bashirov http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6331-2592 Maxim М. Mallaliev http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9851-2976 Nurzhagan I. Ramazanova http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9525-6292 Aishat S. Abdulaeva http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9056-1909 Zaira N. Akhmedova Kabirat B. Gimbatova http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7516-0901 Zhamilat O. Kicheva http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6286-9121


The article presents the indicators of phytocenoses (height of grass, projective cover, economic and Botanical groups, and ratio of fractions of plant matter) located on different hypsometric marks and exposures of slopes intramountain Dagestan. Found that the introduction of protected mode, during the study period occurred: the increase in the total projective cover of plant communities, increase participation in the phytocenosis cereals, sedge, motley grass, reducing the share of legumes. The studies were carried out on the sites of the Gunib experimental base of the mountain Botanical garden of the DSC RAS, with hypsometric marks-1700-2100 m n. a. m., on the slopes of the southern and Northern exposure of mount Mayak. There was an increase in the projective coverage of phytocenoses of the Middle mountains and High Mountain, due to the presence of at least two tiers of herbaceous plants. It was found that both the mid-Mountain and high-Mountain subprovincies of Dagestan reduced productivity of green phytomass, due to the growth of dead phytomass and - litter, which prevented the germination of plants. In the Middle mountain subprovince: a decrease in the amount of green phytomass was 13.1% on the slope of the northern exposure, and 11.5% - on the southern exposure of the slope; increase in the mass of dead phytomass and litter: by 6.8 and 5.4% in the north; 9.3 and 10.4% on the southern slope. High-Mountain sub province: reduction of green phytomass amounted to 4.2% of the North Slope and 3.4% on the slope with southern exposure; an increase in the mass of dead phytomass and litter: 5.8 and 7.8% on the North Slope; 8.3 and 5.9% slope southern exposure.

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