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Zulfia Mudalipova Laipanova


In order to attract funds from the federal budget to finance measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the Republic of Caracas-Chersse (represented by the authorized body - the Ministry of Economic Development of the CR) took part in the competition for the selection of subjects of the Russian Federation, whose budgets this year are provided with subsidies to finance measures carried out within the framework of state support for small enterprises carried out by the Ministry of Economic. The forecast of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises on the basis of the data of the program of support for small and medium-sized enterprises adopted in the Karachai-Circassian Republic shows. That with the implementation of the program the number of enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses is higher than it was by the beginning of 2016, when the reduction of the number of small and medium-sized enterprises began APK. The number of employees in this field has also increased proportionally APK.

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