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М. Т. Яковлева


The results of selection of strains of associative rhizobacteria are presented: "mizorin", "rhizoagrin", "mobilin" for barley varieties Tammi. The research was conducted on the Bellentei site, located on the territory of the Central Yakut Lowland, on the second floodplain terrace of the river. Lena, in the Khangalassky ulus in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2019. The use of drugs based on associative rhizobacteria is an environmentally friendly way to increase crop yields. As a control, the untreated option was investigated. Barley's responsiveness to the use of biological products was noted: inoculation of seeds contributed to increased productivity, the accumulation of plant biomass. The weather conditions of the vegetation period of 2019 positively influenced the increase in barley grain productivity by an average of 15%. The use of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms during inoculation of barley contributes to an increase in grain yield by 1.6 t / ha in comparison with the control variant. Biological products based on strains of associative bacteria influenced such morphological indicators of barley: as the height of plants reaches 5 cm above the control option, the amount of grain at the level of the control option, the number of internodes - 0.6 pcs. Than the control option. The dry weight of the root system increased to 0.14 g, grain at the level of the control variant, leaves - to 0.11 g. Thus, the use of the studied preparations based on strains of associative bacteria had a positive effect on both the growth and development of plants and grain yield.

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