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Татьяна Ивановна Сафронова Игорь Александрович Приходько


The construction of rice irrigation systems has fundamentally changed historically formed landscapes. The parent rocks were radically reorganized, which led to the disruption of the naturally formed runoff of surface and ground waters. Often, all these transformations were performed in violation of applicable requirements. Random, irrational management decisions on the rice irrigation system have led to a depletion of the arable horizon due to leaching of macro and micronutrients, humus from it to the underlying horizons, and all this, along with a high level of groundwater in rice systems, has led to the emergence of salinization and secondary salinization of the arable layer rice checks. The morphological soil profile undergoes significant changes due to changes in the physicochemical parameters of soils and the ongoing eluvial-glue process. The protection of the agro-resource potential of soils in the last 10 years has received great support at the highest level, so federal and regional programs for protecting land from degradation are so widely used. Consequently, the tasks to be solved in our studies are relevant, and their solutions will strengthen the economic security of Russia. The solution of this problem in the article is carried out by describing the functioning mode of the rice irrigation system from a probabilistic point of view. In the article, with the help of Poisson flows of a certain intensity, the consequences of anthropogenic load are estimated. This approach allows to consider uncertainty in terms of probability distributions. The function, characterizing soil quality S(t) was introduced. The function S(t) assumed to be monotonously decreasing. The probability R(S) of achieving a certain soil quality was considered. In case of minimum amount of humus Sm the soil is degrading. In these assumptions the average value expression and probability density of particular soil condition onset duration was received.

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