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Наталия Матвеевна Черноградская Роини Леванович Шарвадзе Тамара Александровна Краснощекова Михаил Федосеевич Григорьев Александра Ивановна Григорьева


The article presents the results of a study of the influence of local non-traditional feed additives (zeolite hongurin, sapropel and mineral salt) on the growth and development, physiological parameters of young cattle in Yakutia. For the experiments, 3 groups of repair young stocks of the Kholmogorsk breed, 10 animals each, were selected. The experimental conditions were identical except for the addition of feed additives in the experimental groups: the experimental group, in addition to the main diet, received zeolite hongurin at a dose of 0.7 g / kg live weight with 10 g of Kempendiai salt; The experimental group II received in other proportions of Hongurin zeolite at a dose of 0.7 g / kg body weight with 200 g of sapropel and 10 g of Kempendiai salt. In the course of studies, it was found that the inclusion of feed additives in the daily diet affected the dynamics of the live weight of the animals grown. So the control group of animals at the end of the experiment gave way to I and II experimental groups by 4.10-6.03%. At the same time, changes in the morphological composition of the blood of experimental animals were noted. The number of red blood cells in the experimental groups was higher than in the control group by 1.92% and 2.56%. By the number of leukocytes, the control group of animals exceeded the indices of I and II of the experimental groups by 0.38% and 1.33%. By the content of calcium, phosphorus and carotene, the control group lost to the experimental group by 1.54%, 1.64% and 3.96%; and the II experimental group by 3.70%, 1.64% and 9.90%, respectively. Thus, unconventional feed additives have a positive effect on the growth and development of young cattle in the conditions of Yakutia.

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