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Ольга Юрьевна Шибаршина


The main purpose of this scientific article is to identify the features, main problems and trends in food consumption in the Russian Federation. The research was based on the following methods: statistical analysis of dynamic series, comparison method, deductive method, expert evaluation method, personal observations of the author. The article analyzes the consumption of basic food products by the Russian population from the point of view of ensuring the economic and physical availability of food. Trends in the volume and structure of consumption are identified, and the degree of achievement of rational norms is assessed. The estimation of the consumption of basic foodstuffs population of the Russian Federation, analyzed the interdependence between consumption and income levels. This made it possible to identify individual problems in the sphere of ensuring food availability for the population and ways to solve them. Thus, based on the results of the analysis, the author concludes that there are no obvious prerequisites for the growth of real disposable income of the population. In the near future, the dynamics of food consumption in the Russian Federation may be zero. At the same time, the level of consumption may be positively affected by a decrease in prices for certain food products, the production of which is growing in Russia, for example, a number of cereals, pork, and greenhouse vegetables. In these circumstances, manufacturers should focus on ensuring product quality growth without significantly increasing its price. This can be achieved by intensifying production and optimizing costs, as well as increasing the depth of processing. Marketing strategies should be formed taking into account the actual needs of the population: a healthy lifestyle, functional, dietary, and combined products.

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