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Марина Анатольевна Подковырова Виктория Вадимовна Прошина Нина Сергеевна Иванова


Based on the results of the analysis of changes in functional zones, the complex state of ecosystems of the natural park «Numto» the article presents the substantiation of the prospect of functional zoning of its territory in the context of multipurpose and large-scale development of the Northern territories. According to the authors, the only tool for solving this problem is the functional zoning of specially protected areas, which ensures rational use of natural resources on the part of subsoil users and the maintenance of the natural economic value of territories of traditional nature use by indigenous small peoples, as well as the preservation of their nature conservation and ecological significance. An important step in functional zoning is the principle of balanced nature management, according to which any of its types should proceed from the maximum possible prevention of changes in the historically established nature of landscapes, their functions and qualities, thereby ensuring the protection of historical and cultural objects.

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