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Татьяна Ивановна Сафронова Виктор Иванович Степанов Ирина Владимировна Соколова


An analysis of scientific research in the field of rice production showed that the effect of prolonged flooding of rice maps is manifested in a change in the reclamation, agrochemical, agrophysical, morphological characteristics of the corresponding soils. The process of producing rice crops is also associated with the stochastic nature of soil properties: their values ​ ​ are mainly dynamic over time, determined by the total contribution of many soil formation factors, various combinations of elementary soil processes. The article proposes a mathematical model developed by the authors of the optimal volume of events intended for the execution of the water supply of a rice check aimed at the rational use of natural resources, increasing the efficiency of the rice irrigation system in regulated conditions. At the same time, these proposed events are considered in the model by a stationary Poisson flow of l intensity. The function of the total average profit of the farm, which is investigated at extremum, is compiled. An expression was obtained for the optimal volume of Qopt events intended for execution. The results of the study can be used for conservation actions in the field of rice production, as well as for the timely development of effective measures to prevent the deterioration of the soil reclamation state of irrigated land.

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