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Галина Николаевна Кузнецова Раиса Сергеевна Полякова


Rapeseed is an important source of vegetable oil for the food and technical industries. The aim of the research is to study the effect of hydrothermal conditions on the productivity, oil content and fatty acid composition of oil of spring rapeseed variety Yubileyny by analyzing the correlation dependance of the biochemical composition of the oil with the duration of the growth season and the main stages of organogenesis. The different ratio of fatty acids in rapeseed allows it to be used for both food and technical purposes. We carried the research in the laboratory of ole crops breeding and in the biochemical laboratory of the Siberian experimental station of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops (Omsk region). We determined the oil content of seeds on an NMR analyzer (AMV-1006), the fatty acid composition on a Kristall-2000 chromatograph. We thoroughly analyzed the interaction of interstage periods with the year conditions. As a result of the research, we found that the productivity of rapeseed variety Yubileyny during the years of research was 1.20-2.61 t/ha with significant variation (CV = 27.72 %) and a positive interrelation with the sum of active temperatures and air temperature. The characteristic of oil content of seeds in spring rapeseed is stable and depends on the genotype with insignificant variation of 1.11 % over the years. We determined the dependence of productivity, oil content and main fatty acids (palmitic, oleic, linoleic, and linoleic) on the hydrothermal conditions of all interstage periods of spring rapeseed. We found a strong positive between the content of linoleic acid and the duration of the growth season, the amount of precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient of the flowering-ripening period (r = 0,80; 0,86; 0,87). We noted a higher amount of linoleic acid, 11.34 %, in the perhumid 2019, and the minimum amount, 6.99 %, in dry 2020. The main interstage periods for the development of oleic acids were seedlings-ripening, sowing-ripening, seedlings-budding, budding-flowering, and flowering-ripening, having a close interrelation with the sum of active temperatures and air temperature.

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