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Алексей Викторович Харитонов Николай Сергеевич Бондарев Галина Сергеевна Бондарева


Formation of a rural agglomeration requires development of a management system that depends on the model implemented in practice. The purpose of the research work is to develop a management system for a rural agglomeration, which requires solving the problems of using a program approach, that implies the development of unified development programs for participants; identification of factors, directions and principles affecting the efficiency of the functioning of the agglomeration. The management system of a rural agglomeration is implemented according to the territorial principle based on the resource-production component with centralization for the marketing area. This approach is implemented on the example of the creation of the rural agglomeration "Leninsk-Kuznetskaya" of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass. It includes the central link, the core and the periphery. Building a management system for a rural agglomeration should take into account a program approach, which implies the development of uniform development programs for the sustainable economic development of rural settlements, municipal districts and regions. The creation of a management system for the rural agglomeration "Leninsk-Kuznetskaya" is based on the existing authorities, which are managed in the field of agglomeration by a single governing body - the Coordination Center. This governing body includes representatives of: rural areas, regional leadership, business structures and population. The study defines the functions of the subjects of management of rural agglomerations, the organizational structure of management is formed, the main guidelines of strategic and current planning are reflected, and a list of necessary regulatory documents is presented. To achieve the goals of the rural agglomeration development, an appropriate organizational and economic management mechanism is proposed, the implementation of which is reflected in the proposed draft regulation on non-profit partnership “Territorial Formation of Rural Agglomeration “Leninsk-Kuznetskaya””. Such an approach will allow avoiding the risks associated with the functioning of the agglomeration, as well as scaling the existing experience.

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