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Ирина Федоровна Юрченко


Rational organization and management of the reclamation regime of the agroecosystem are fundamental conditions for sustainable highly productive agricultural production. The key factors in increasing the efficiency of the implementation of agricultural technologies on reclaimed lands by modern science and practice include automation and robotization of technological procedures and operations, which minimizes the negative consequences of control impacts. The advantages of the functioning of automated control systems (ACS) also include saving labor, materials and increasing the timeliness, quality, accuracy and accuracy of the implementation of agricultural technologies. The aim of the work is to increase the information support of a wide range of users on the problems of research, analysis and systematization of the structure and composition of the best digital solutions in the field of reclaimed agriculture that are available for practical use. General scientific and specific methodological tools were used, including: analysis of information sources, generalization and integration of the proposals of leading scientists, specialists on the topic of research, as well as comparison and assessment of various indicators and parameters of processes, technologies, equipment. The analysis of the use of automated technologies in the practice of domestic agricultural production was carried out, which showed the priorities in the use of mono systems for regulating the water and thermal regimes of the soil and the surface layer of air, as well as the mineral nutrition of agrocenoses. The functional capabilities and a schematic diagram of the organization of the work of the automated control and regulation system of the specified components of the reclamation regime are shown. Commercial proposals of foreign markets for equipment and systems for automated regulation of the reclamation regime of agroecosystems, focused on the development of precision irrigation technologies and the introduction of fertilizers / pesticides with irrigation water, are presented. The necessity of urgent formation and successful development of the domestic market of technologies for digitalization of the crop production system has been established. The priority directions of digitalization of technological processes of production of products by reclaimed agroecosystems, which ensure effective change in business models of agricultural production, increase productivity, increase profits and determine the cost of products, have been formulated.

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