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Игорь Александрович Приходько Александр Эдуардович Сергеев


Rice is one of the three most consumed cereals in the world, second in terms of production area after wheat and production volume after corn. The volume of rice production in Russia is slightly more than 1 million per year, which exceeds the country's demand for rice by 10-15%, while the volume of rice exports is 150-200 thousand tons per year. The growing shortage of water resources, low soil fertility in rice irrigation systems and the high cost of performing annual operational agro-technical measures will inevitably lead to a decrease in the volume of rice production in the country and pose a threat to food security in Russia. To maintain the volume of rice production, it is necessary to analyze the world experience of rice production in the world. The main emphasis in assessing the world experience in rice cultivation should be made on technologies that can potentially be used outside of rice irrigation systems. China is the undisputed leader in the rice cultivation industry, which has been effectively using drip irrigation of rice for more than 10 years, which should be a solution to the problem of saving water resources, preserving the reclamation state of soils, reducing anthropogenic pressure and obtaining guaranteed yields of rice and related crops of rice crop rotation. The technological scheme and a set of technological agricultural measures developed by us will allow not only to consider the possibility of cultivating rice on agricultural land not related to rice irrigation systems, but also to reduce material resources, the volume of irrigation water and the cost.

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