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Елена Владимировна Самохвалова


The article discusses the issues of regulation of the territorial structure of land use in order to ensure land protection and agricultural production ecologization. The work uses the results of a spatial analysis of land degradation and productivity losses under the influence of erosion processes, disturbances in the water-salt balance of soils, and stone contamination in the administrative districts of the Samara region. A model is proposed for sequential regulation of land use structure in three stages with bringing the degree of land degradation in all districts to the average level (with an assessment of 2 points or less). Classification and zoning of lands according to the degradation degree contribute to determination of normative indicators of land use regulation (the necessary localization and the scale of the required impact at each stage); reducing the coefficient of environmental hazard of land use in agricultural production is a criterion for the effectiveness of the impact. It has been established that a general decrease in land degradation in the Samara region by 5.75% will reduce the coefficient of environmental hazard of their use by almost 15%, and its distribution will be relatively leveled (the coefficient of variation across regions will be 1.4% instead of 3.4%). Further development of the program involves the use of erosion maps and data from soil surveys of fields to ensure greater accuracy of localization and assessment of the expected additional income.

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