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Игорь Александрович Приходько Александр Эдуардович Сергеев Артем Юрьевич Вербицкий


One resource-saving technique that offers a promising approach to support sustainable agriculture practices is the use of drugs that represent a group of plant growth and development stimulants that are not defined as fertilizers. Biostimulants include, inter alia, plant extracts, protein hydrolysates and extracts from seaweed. Recently, research on plant extracts has attracted great interest, since they are mainly focused on the extraction of biologically active compounds intended for the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and agricultural industries. The key area of research is the development of environmentally friendly biostimulants based on natural products, such as secondary plant metabolites. In connection with the above, promising, relevant and timely is the creation of biological products based on local plant raw materials and its extracts, containing biologically active compounds with allelopathic effect, allowing them to be used not only as a means of increasing crop yields, but also as an ameliorant for the reproduction of degrading, in recent decades, soil fertility of agricultural lands. A research hypothesis was put forward that a plant biostimulant rich in biologically active compounds, in particular polyphenolic compounds, would offer a new agronomic strategy for increasing crop yields. The scope of the study included the characterization of the new material and the determination of its biostimulating potential. The use of a complex of independent and complementary research methods allowed the development of mechanisms for increasing yields for their successful application in practice in agriculture. The research results have shown not only the relevance of the studies performed, but also the safety of the use of new granular non-microbial biostimulants in agriculture.

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