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Николай Петрович Тимофеев http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4565-7260


The review considers the progress and trends in the use of biologically active substances synthesized by plants in the diet of farm animals in order to improve their health and stimulate growth. The species composition and active ingredients, as well as restrictions, toxicity and safety in industrial use, have been personalized. New and non-traditional plant species and their promising components as non-hormonal anabolic agents to increase animal protein synthesis in the production of feed additives with improved qualities are proposed.

A new trend has been singled out and analyzed in details - introduction of ecdysteroid-synthesizing plant substances containing ecdysterone (20-hydroxyecdysone) as the main bioactive component into practical animal breeding. The properties of ecdysteroids (anabolic, anti-stress and therapeutic effects), as well as characteristics of industrial sources for the production of feed additives with phytoecdysteroids and requirements for them are considered.

It has been shown that ecdysterone-containing phytobiotics are alternative substances in comparison with banned synthetic androgenic and estrogenic hormonal stimulants. At the same time, they have a direct anabolic and anti-stress effect, are economically beneficial for the producer, are free from the drawbacks of chemically synthesized hormones and tranquilizers, and have no safety and toxicity problems.

As a positive example of introduction into animal husbandry, the article analyzes the characteristics and presents the results of pilot tests of two ecdysterone-synthesizing plants - Rhaponticum carthamoides (Leuzea carthamoides) and Serratula coronata. These species have passed a long stage of introduction; biochemical composition and nutritional value have been studied fundamentally; optimization of long-term cultivation in agrocenosis conditions has been realized and for 2021 they are recognized at the international level as the most important sources of phytogenic anabolic and anti-stress substances

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Crop husbandry


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