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Залимхан Русланович Кудаев Аслан Анатольевич Кумахов Саидмагомед Хасанович Кушаев Дана Аслановна Кумахова Артур Мухамедович Сохроков


The issues of energy and resource conservation are especially relevant now. In recent years, energy costs have been growing rapidly, becoming a national problem. Taking into account all the factors of heat loss in the design, it is possible to plan the necessary amount of energy. This will achieve the so-called "thermal balance". There are a huge number of energy audit companies in Russia that work without investing budget funds, without implementing the tasks assigned to them. But the law requires them to comply with the deadlines during which the owners of the objects must obtain passports. Under such conditions, the auditors of the company began to use approximate data, according to which they identify the energy potential of enterprises. When identifying the potential, data that were given under other conditions and circumstances are used. At the regional level, auditors themselves find people who are able to finance their activities, carry out energy saving programs. All of the above omissions lead to the fact that the analysis is not carried out accurately, which causes distrust.

Statistics of recent years show that the climate is rapidly deteriorating, oil and gas prices are rising, in this regard, it is necessary to take into account possible energy savings during the construction of facilities. Experts want to minimize the use of natural resources and, in their opinion, the construction industry is one of the main ones.

The "passive house" technology has become one of the main innovations that helps to save energy. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that when designing the construction of an object, the calculation of indicators that do not require a special heating system is carried out. At the same time, energy consumption in new buildings is reduced tenfold. To obtain these indicators, even during construction, increased thermal insulation is created. At the same time, the criteria for heat leakage, the use of solar energy, and the tightness of the building must be taken into account. note that high-quality windows with high thermal conductivity should be installed, as well as installations for saving electricity.

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Natural resources


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