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Ирина Федоровна, Юрченко


The current period of civilization development is focused on the global digitalization of the manufacturing sector of the economy. In the field of land reclamation activities, the guarantees of successful solution of the most important economic tasks are also associated with the modernization of technological processes of agricultural production. At the same time, the steadily increasing risk of pollution of the natural and technogenic components of the biosphere, due to the digitalization of agricultural production, may interfere with the successful achievement of the planned economic results. The purpose of this research is to update in the scientific community and in the practice of land reclamation the issues of the risk of pollution of the biosphere from the digitalization of agricultural production. The need and timeliness of research on the conservation of effective parameters of the human environment is caused by the need to reduce the risk of contamination of the latter. The object of research is the biosphere as the environment of human life. The subject is the impact of the processes of digitalization of melioration on the pollution of the biosphere. The following research methods were used: collection, systematization, analysis and synthesis of these materials. The basic basis of the analytical procedures for research and development were: systemic, logical and comparative analyzes, as well as heuristic forecast. The systematization and classification of information pollution of the biosphere depending on the source of its origin into natural and anthropogenic has been carried out. Effective factors of anthropogenic informational pollution of the biosphere are revealed. Sources of pollution of the information resource of technological processes of melioration are established. The characteristic carriers of environmental pollution by the technical and technological equipment of digital melioration are presented in the processes of its regular operation, failure situations, disposal and liquidation procedures. Priority measures have been developed to reduce the risk of information pollution of the biosphere from the digitalization of the reclamation water management complex. The necessity of studying the information stored in the memory of the biosphere about the dynamics of the behavior of natural systems and their environment, which provides the possibility of predicting events and improving the quality of decisions made on the digitalization of reclaimed agricultural production, is shown.

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Natural resources


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