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Борис Иванович Покровский Дмитрий Леонидович Шабельский Александр Михайлович Кайко Максим Евгеньевич Шаповалов


The analysis of the activities of the main participants in the market of animal origin food products, competing with the products of processing fish raw materials and the dynamics of market transformations over a twenty-year period, showed the need for the production and sale of value-added products, constant updating of the product range, improving its quality, the use of modern types of packaging and the provision of new types of services. The main characteristics of the current problematic situation are evaluated and the image of « The desired future» in the sales of fish processing products in the domestic food market is formed from the point of view of the goals of the domestic market development in accordance with the requirements of the "Strategy for the development of trade in the Russian Federation until 2025" and "The Concept of the development of wholesale food markets in the Russian Federation". A methodology has been developed to determine the development potential of enterprises for the catching  of freshwater resources, their processing and sale of products based on the recommendations of optimal parameters data and expert-preferred options for the production of value-added products. On this basis, proposals have been developed to improve the organizational and economic mechanism of the company's activities in order to develop the domestic market of the Russian Federation. The methodology of economic and mathematical assessment of the impact of the depth of processing of fish raw materials on the economic efficiency of the enterprise has been developed. A database of marketing and regulatory data has been prepared, and a methodology has been developed for assessing the optimal parameters of an integrated enterprise for fish catching, production and sale of both traditional and new types of products with a number of fundamental advantages over products of simple processing. A database has been formed on the species composition, nomenclature and assortment of fish products presented on the domestic market of the Russian Federation. Algorithms have been developed and calculations of the raw fish efficiency for the use  of multi-species fishing of freshwater resources, on the example of aquatic biological resources (VBR) of the lake. Khanka and Amur river.

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Animal production


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