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Наталья Николаевна Жиркова Сахаяна Афанасьевна Павлова Елена Семеновна Пестерева


The article presents the results of studies of phenological rhythms of development, yield, chemical composition and nutritional value of annual crops by sowing dates, the most valuable plant species resistant to the ecological conditions of the region are identified. According to the measurement of the height of plants of annual crops with a sowing period of June 1, the highest height was achieved in sunflower in the flowering phase up to 188 cm, corn - 200 cm, oilseed radish - 111 cm. The height of plants in the flowering phase-the throwing out of the panicle in the second sowing period was 169 cm for sunflower, 183 cm for corn, 113 cm for millet, 105 cm for oilseed radish, 188 cm for Sudanese grass. The results of the research have established that, on average, the yield of green mass in all terms of sowing sunflower crops exceeds all the studied crops: in the first term – 37.5 t / ha, in the second term – 40.4 t / ha, in the third term – 21.3 t / ha. According to the nutritional value of annual crops, a high content of digestible protein in 1 kg of dry matter is noted in the third term of the Sudanese grass – 148.9 g, feed.ed -0.63, exchange energy- 8.9 MJ. Highly nutritious and high-quality feed is obtained from cereals and oilseeds in the first and second and third terms of sowing. It has been established that high temperatures in the germination and tillering phase, as well as a small amount of precipitation, hinder the full development of plants. It turned out that sunflower, Sudanese grass and corn are the most stable.

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Crop husbandry


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