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Константин Семенович Терновых Кристина Сергеевна Четверова


The article analyzes the availability of the main types of agricultural machinery, reflects the disposal and renewal of tractors and combine harvesters. Tractors, combines, agricultural machines in the country is distributed unevenly, with a large concentration in the Central, Volga and Southern federal districts. There is a decrease in the number of agricultural machinery in the country, regardless of the subject and district of the Russian Federation. The level of technical support of agricultural enterprises remains low, most of the agricultural machinery has been in operation for more than 10 years, the depreciation of the machine and tractor fleet exceeds 50%. The problems preventing the acquisition and implementation of domestic innovations in agricultural production are highlighted. Thus, the lack of financial resources, low efficiency, and a sharp increase in prices for elements of the technical base in recent years do not allow agricultural enterprises to purchase innovative, high-performance agricultural machinery and combines. The most dynamic process of updating agricultural machinery takes place in integrated agro-industrial formations. In them, managers, when making managerial decisions, are mainly guided by the expanded reproduction of the material and technical base. Russian manufacturers of equipment in the context of import substitution organize the production of key segments in the country, expand the model range and improve the quality of agricultural equipment. It is concluded that in the future, new measures and attraction of more investments aimed at further support of agricultural enterprises and expanded reproduction of the technical base in them will be required.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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