Main Article Content

Наталья Николаевна Линькова


The article considers the essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of the agro-industrial complex, which has its own specification, which is associated with the peculiarities of the manifestation of industrial relations. Transformation is an inevitable way of developing the organizational and economic mechanism, since it is accompanied by a change in the properties of elements, their connections and proportions, causing the transition to a new qualitative state.

The paper considers in more detail the issues of export and import of agricultural products. The above achievements and successful work on import substitution are related to the activities of large enterprises in the plant industry. Even with leadership positions, food consumption by the population of the region lags behind the ideal, has the same disadvantages as in the whole country: there is an overconsumption of individual food groups, while fresh fruits and vegetables are not fully consumed.

Achieving leadership and growth in the agricultural sectors at the present stage is associated with ensuring a stable financial condition, which in turn allows not only to develop agricultural business, but also to fulfill the government's tasks in the field of food security.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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