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Харитина Ивановна Максимова


The article deals with the results of studying the productivity of fodder crops  crops in soil and climatic conditions of Central Yakutia, energy assessment and efficiency of fodder crops in crop rotation.  The studies were conducted in 2019-2022 at the Moidookh site of LLC "Ecofarm Tuymaada" of kangalassky ulus, on permafrost meadow-chernozem saline soils. Agrochemical indicators of the soil are as follows: alkaline pH salt reaction - 7.33-7.52; humus content in the arable horizon is 2.93 - 2.91%, the content of mobile forms of nitrogen Nnitr.- 0,13 - 0,16 mg/100 g; mobile forms of phosphorus P2O5 - 18.23 - 18.53 mg / 100 g; potassium K2O - 27.85 - 28.03 mg / 100g. Scheme of five-field fodder crop rotation: Oats (for green weight) - winter rye; winter rye (green conveyor, haylage) - oats (for silage, green conveyor); vico-oat mixture (for silage and haylage); sunflower variety Kulundinets (for silage); alfalfa + Siberian wheatgrass (excretory field). Varieties of fodder crops of local selection and adapted high-yielding, heat-loving sunflower culture were studied. Variants of mineral fertilizers: 1.Control; 2 (NRK)60 kg/ha;  3. Estimated dose - (NRK)160 kg/ha;  Observations and accounting, mathematical processing of experimental material were carried out according to the method of VNII feed and the method of field experience, the work was carried out using the Spectra Star 2200 IR analyzer on the basis of the Central Research Center OF YSC SB RAS1.  In the fodder crop rotation for the study of agro-ecological and resource-saving methods to increase the productivity of fodder crops and the fertility of permafrost soils, it is established: The introduction of local selection varieties, adapted, zoned fodder crops into the crop rotation links, as well as the introduction of the recommended dose of mineral fertilizer (NPK)60 d.v/ ha and the estimated dose for the planned crop at a dose of (NPK)160 d.i./ha provide from 1 hectare of crop rotation area on average per rotation of 12.7 - 17.0 tons of green  Mass; In an adaptive crop rotation with ALSZ elements under the conditions of the cryolithozone, fodder crops on average for crop rotation provide an energy coefficient of 1.25 - 3.05, which shows the effectiveness of the fodder crop rotation scheme under cryolithozone conditions.

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