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Михаил Федосеевич Григорьев Дария Ивановна Степанова Александра Ивановна Григорьева Эльвира Умировна Сагиндыкова Андрей Андреевич Сидоров


The paper provides a rationale for the need for the production of vermicomposts in the conditions of the complex natural-climatic conditions. The peculiarities of the production of vermicomposts, as well as the original organic matter, such as farm animal manure, bird droppings, vegetation residues, waste from vegetable stores and woodworking, household waste, etc., are noted. Vermifertilizers have high water-retaining properties, as well as nutrients and minerals, incl. macro- and microelements in a digestible form for plants. The basic technology of vermicultivation and biohumus production is presented. Along with this, the optimal conditions for the production of vermicomposts were noted. The selected option for vermicomposting is disclosed, the production will be based in a separate room, which provides an optimal microclimate. Compost will be in plastic boxes, which will be located on special racks. Regulation, renewal and separation, as well as other technological operations will be carried out in compliance with the requirements.

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