Design a list of references for the English-language block of the article in accordance with the requirements of Scopus

1. Article
Article in Russian
Authors (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → the title of the article in transliterated version [translation of the title of the article into English in square brackets], the name of the Russian-language source (transliteration, or the English name, if any), the output with designations in English .

Dobrolyubova, E.I. & Yuzhakov, V.N. (2015). Otsenka rezultativnosti i effektivnosti kontrolno-nadzornoy deyatelnosti [Evaluating Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Control (Supervision) Activities]. Public Administration Issues, no 4, pp. 4164.

Article in English
Author, A., Author, B. & Author, C. (2010). Title of article. Title of journal, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 496-507.

Cantner, U., Meder A. & ter Wal, A.L.J. (2010). Innovator network and regional knowledge base. Technovation, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 496-507.

Article in the electronic journal:
Balashova, S. & Lazanyuk, I. (2004). Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie sektora informatsionnykh tekhnologii: Indiya i Rossiya [Public Regulation of the IT Industry: India and Russia]. Issledovano v Rossii (electronic journal), vol. 7, no 199, pp. 2119–2128. Available at: (accessed 10 January 2013).

Article indicating DOI:
Cantner, U., Meder, A. & ter Wal, A.L.J. (2010). Innovator network and regional knowledge base. Technovation, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 496-507. doi: 10.1134 / S1023193508080077


2. Preprint
Preprint in Russian
Authors (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → title of the work in transliterated version [translation of the name into English in square brackets], preprint number, output data with notation in English.
Mirkin, B. (2011). Metody klaster-analiza dlya podderzhki prinyatiya reshenii: obzor [Cluster Analysis for Decision Making: Review]. Working paper WP7 / 2011/03, Moscow: HSE.

Preprint in English
Author, A., Author, B. & Author, C. (2010). Title of paper. Working paper Code, Town: Publisher.
Cervantes, M. & Kergroach, S. (2006). Complete Results of the SFRI Questionnaire on the Working Conditions of Researchers in the Universities and Public Research Organizations. Working paper DSTI / STP / SFRI (2006) 1, Paris: OECD.

3. The chapter in the book

Chapter in Russian
Authors (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → title of the chapter in transliterated version [translation of the title of the chapter into English in square brackets], name of the Russian-speaking source (book) (transliteration), [translation of the name of the source in English in square brackets] . Output with designations in English.
Gokhberg, L., Kuznetsova, T. & Zaichenko, S. (2007). Rol 'vysshego obrazovaniya v nauchno-tekhnicheskom i innovatsionnom protsessah [The Role of Higher Education in S&T and Innovation Processes]. In: Analiticheskii doklad po vysshemu obrazovaniyu Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Analytical Report on Higher Education in Russian Federation]. Moscow: HSE, pp. 125-153.

Chapter in English
Author, A., Author, B. & Author, C. (2013). Title of chapter. In: Title of book. Town: Publisher, pp. 496-507.

Sokolov, A. (2013). Foresight in Russia: Implications for Policy Making. In: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future: Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies (eds. D. Meissner, L. Gokhberg, A. Sokolov). New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 183–198.

4. The book

The book is in Russian

Authors (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → title of the book (transliteration), [translation of the name of the book into English in square brackets]. Output with designations in English.
Smirnova, T.V. (2010). Kontseptual'nye osnovaniya realizatsii sotsial'no-trudovogo potentsiala pensionerov po vozrastu [Conceptual Bases of Realization of Social and Labor Potential of Old-Age Pensioners]. Saratov: Saratov University press.

Book in english
Author, A., Author, B. & Author, C. (2013). Title of book. Town: Publisher.

Georghiou, L., Cassingena Harper, J., Keenan, M., Miles, I. & Popper, R. (eds.) (2008). The Handbook of Technology Foresight: Concepts and Practice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

5. Conference proceedings
Scheme 1 (presentation).
Author, A. & Author, B. (2009). Title of paper. Paper presented at Title of conference. Date and place.

Scheme 2 (article in the collection of reports).
Author, A. & Author, B. (2009). Title of paper. Proceedings of the Title of conference, date and place, pp. 115–143.

If a link to the full title of the conference proceedings is indicated, the name, place and date of the meeting, including the number, are added in italics - Proceedings of the. If the page range is not specified, it is written: Paper presented at and the article title is in italics.

Evangelista, R. & Savona, M. (1998). Patterns of Innovation in Service