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Елена Павловна Евтушкова Ольга Борисовна Мезенина Анастасия Игоревна Солошенко


The purpose of the study is to analyze the forestry sector and develop applications for sustainable development. The study aims to analyze the forestry in the Tyumen Oblast, for the period from 2002 to 2024. The object of the study is the forest fund of the Tyumen Oblast. Methodology and methods - retrospective analysis is based on sectoral and constitutive changes in analytical reporting during the specified period.   The Tyumen Oblast is one of the most forested regions. According to the accounting data as of 01.01.2023, the area of forest plots on the forest fund lands of the Tyumen Oblast amounted to 11.3958 mln ha (71% of the territory), including 6.87 mln ha covered with forest vegetation (60.5% of the total area of the forest fund lands), of which 37% are represented by valuable coniferous species and 63% by soft-leaved species. According to the list of forest zones and forest areas of the Russian Federation, the forests of the Tyumen Oblast are located in two forest zones (forest-steppe and taiga) and are divided into two forest areas: West Siberian south taiga plain district: (69%); West Siberian sub-taiga-forest-steppe district. In 2023, the Tyumen Oblast is dominated by exploitation forests, which occupied 87.2% of the forest land area, protective forests accounted for 12.8% respectively, reserve forests account for 0%. Exploitation forests occupy the largest shares in Vagaysky and Uvatsky districts, while the smallest shares of this forest type are in Berdyuzhsky district [2-7, 11-17].  The main objectives of the Tyumen Oblast timber industry complex development in the long term are as follows: to achieve the growth of production volumes necessary to meet the demand in the domestic and foreign markets on the basis of the priority development of deep wood processing, to increase the efficiency of production competitiveness, as well as sustainable forest management. In general, the state of forestry can be assessed as satisfactory. However, in order to prevent its negative changes and improve the quality of the forest fund, it is necessary to carry out a set of special measures to stabilize and restore forest resources and improve the overall environmental situation.

Article Details



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