Main Article Content
The article is devoted to the consideration of snow retention as an agrotechnical technique for accumulating snow in fields in order to increase moisture reserves in the soil and protect plants from adverse temperatures. Various methods of snow retention are also described, such as curtains on clean pairs, stubble curtains, high stubble and continuous crop removal, mechanical snow retention, the use of forest strips, as well as various additional methods. Next, the influence of snow retention on the yield of grain crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Trans-Urals and the West Kulundin steppe of the Altai Territory is considered. The results of the research are analyzed, it is reliably known that snow retention can have both positive and negative effects on productivity. The mechanisms of the impact of snow retention on yields are discussed, as well as methods to reduce negative consequences, such as the use of sustainable crops, agrotechnical care, optimal sowing time and soil drainage
Article Details
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