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The purpose of this work was to analyze the possibility of using the NDVI spectral index to assess the readiness of a section of the reclamation system for the growing season, located in the floodplain of the Moscow River in the Kolomensky urban district of the Moscow Region. One of the indicators of the readiness of the reclamation system is the absence of surface water accumulation areas on the soil surface (including hollow ones, surface runoff, the presence of flood zones, etc.). As a result of the analysis, it was established that for NDVI for 28.05 the values in the zones of flooding with hollow waters were 0,136... 0,284, for 19.05 – 0,074... 0,232, for 03.05 – 0,048... 0,172, for 19.04 – 0,008... 0,126. It should be noted that water (Moscow River) during the specified period has NDVI < –0,002. This allows us to conclude that the interpretation of NDVI spectral images to assess the readiness of a section of the reclamation system for the growing season based on the degree of convergence of surface waters can be performed using additional analysis tools, for example, using «Terrain Analyses – Channels – Channel Network and Drainage Bases» calculation model.
Article Details
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