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Валентин Николаевич Курочкин


The article presented to your attention sets out the main issues of the genesis of the harvesting and transport process in agricultural production in Russia for the period 1930-2024. In the initial period of agricultural mechanization, which began in the thirties of the last century, there were attempts to organize large-group use of harvesting equipment, which did not become widespread due to a weak material and technical base. Equipment began to be concentrated at machine and tractor stations (MTS), but its group use in the form of harvesting and transport complexes did not develop. The use of equipment as part of MTS in the sixties was recognized as ineffective. The equipment was returned to agricultural enterprises (AE). The latter were enlarged, which made it possible to use the machine and tractor fleet (MTP), including grain harvesting equipment, more productively. Using a systems approach and the laws of organization (synergy, awareness, development, etc.), scientists under the guidance of academicians M.S. Runchev and E.I. Lipkovich developed and implemented new classes of organizations: harvesting and transport complexes, harvesting and transport and procurement process. The systemic approach allowed to create an effective organization of the harvesting and transport process, which is in demand in the new modern conditions of agricultural production.

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