Main Article Content
The article is devoted to research on the rational and effective use of built-up areas of settlements based on the factors of integrated development of the territory, which contributed to a full and detailed study of the existing situation of the object of research to create social stability and improve conditions for a comfortable life of the population. For a comprehensive and detailed analysis of rural areas, a methodology is used for a comprehensive analysis of the factors of sustainable development of the territory of a settlement that affect the organization of built-up areas, which is based on an integrated approach that includes an analysis of the main factors of sustainable development, covering all areas that affect its rational use. Based on the analysis of the organization of the use of built-up areas, the socio-economic development of the village of Chervishevo, including the provision of social infrastructure facilities, as well as the environmental assessment carried out, the development of a project for a detailed planning of a land plot for the building of an outpatient polyclinic organization for providing medical care to the population is proposed.
Article Details
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