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Антон Васильевич Симаков Тамара Владиславовна Симакова Валерий Анатольевич Антропов Алла Витальевна Бабикова


The article presents an analysis of the use of land under garages in the city of Tyumen. The relevance of the work is justified by the fact that a correct approach is needed in organizing the use of land, which allows the formation of a reliable and sustainable database system about real estate objects. Based on the analysis, urban zoning of the city of Tyumen was carried out, according to which the area indicators of urban planning zones were established, in particular for administrative districts. The largest number of garage cooperatives was noted in the Kalinin Administrative District - 65, the smallest number of cooperatives is located in the Central Administrative District - 39. A detailed analysis made it possible to determine the compliance of the use of real estate within the boundaries of urban planning zones and to identify violations. As a result of the analysis of urban planning zones occupied by garage cooperatives, the peculiarities of organizing the use of land occupied by garages were established. The result of the work is the development of maps identifying the location of real estate for garages in existing urban planning zones of the city of Tyumen. In conclusion, proposals are formulated to improve the formation of real estate objects for garages for state cadastral registration in the study area.

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Land economics and policies


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