Main Article Content
The paper analyzes the formation of information on capital construction projects and establishes the features of forming information for preparation for state cadastral registration. The conducted studies allow to minimize the number of registry errors made by cadastral engineers when preparing technical plans, which makes this research topic relevant. Based on the analysis of the formation of information on capital construction projects, the following features were established: in a consolidated group of capital construction projects, when forming information and registering with the state cadastral register, each type of object has its own specifics of document preparation, failure to comply with regulatory and legislative requirements, insufficient attentiveness and competence of a specialist, low accuracy of the equipment used in forming information on capital construction projects, entails the manifestation of technical and registry errors, taking into account the current regulatory and legislative documentation and the established approach to preparing information on capital construction projects, there are difficulties affecting the accuracy and timing of document preparation: at various stages of each object, it becomes necessary to involve third parties (design organizations, local government bodies), whose prepared documents do not always meet the high requirements for entering information. Depending on the specifics of preparing information on capital construction projects, approaches are proposed aimed at improving the procedure for generating information for entering it into the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
Article Details
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