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M. Tekeev H.E. Tekeeva


The program of support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Karachai-Circassian Republic is aimed at regulating relations between small and medium-sized enterprises, organizations of infrastructure for support of entrepreneurship, local self-government bodies of various levels in the sphere of development of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Karachai-Circassian Republic, as well as at improving the efficiency and systematization of support for small and medium-sized enterprises. This program is intended to unite the efforts of the executive power of the Republic and local self-government bodies in support and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, organizations of infrastructure to support entrepreneurship, and to launch a mechanism of feedback with small and medium-sized enterprises. It defines the list of support mechanisms for small and medium-sized enterprises, types and forms of support. The amount of financing of the program 's activities at the expense of the republican budget is determined annually on the basis of the possibilities of the revenue part of the republican budget.In order to attract funds from the federal budget to finance activities to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the Republic of Caracas-Chersse (represented by the authorized body - the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan) took part in the competition for the selection of subjects of the Russian Federation, whose budgets this year are provided with subsidies to finance activities carried out within the framework of state support for small enterprises carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian.

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