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Наталья Николаевна Симачкова Ирина Павловна Чупина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Людмила Анатольевна Журавлева Любовь Михайловна Стахеева


The use of lands contaminated with chemicals, radioactive elements, other harmful substances or microorganisms is one of the most pressing problems of the modern world. The consequences of such pollution not only threaten the environment, but also have serious consequences for human and animal health.

The problem of using polluted lands requires an integrated approach and the development of effective rehabilitation strategies. It is necessary to carry out systematic monitoring of contaminated land, as well as develop methods for cleaning and disinfecting the soil. In this article, we will consider the main aspects of the problem of using polluted lands and possible ways to solve it.

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Land economics and policies


1. The Land Code of the Russian Federation No. 136-FZ dated 10/25/2001 (as amended on 08/04/2023) (with amendments and additions, intro. effective from 09/01/2023)
2. Federal Law "On Land Management" dated 06/18/2001 No. 78-FZ (latest edition)
3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 dated 06.06.2013 "On the implementation of State monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment"
4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 681 dated 08/09/2013 "On State Environmental Monitoring (State Environmental Monitoring) and the State Data Fund for State Environmental Monitoring (State Environmental Monitoring)" (together with the "Regulations on State Environmental Monitoring (State Environmental Monitoring) and the State Data Fund for State Environmental Monitoring (State Monitoring environment)")
5. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 12/24/2015 No. 664 "On approval of the Procedure for State monitoring of agricultural lands" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 03/21/2016 No. 41470
6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 112 dated 02/27/2004 "On the use of lands subjected to radioactive and chemical pollution, carrying out reclamation and cultural works on them, establishing protective zones and preserving objects located on these lands"
7. Order of the MPR of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2002 No. 574 "On approval of Temporary recommendations for the development and implementation of standards for the permissible residual content of oil and products of its transformation in soils after reclamation and other restoration work" 8. Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management https://fcao.ru/groro