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Екатерина Владимировна Булгакова Наталья Петровна Рулева


The phrase «artificial island» is becoming more and more common among the scientific community, government agencies and participants in foreign economic activities. To date, artificial islands are created to meet very different needs - from the increase of residential and commercial territory, construction of entertainment centers to exploration and mining of minerals. The article presents information on existing artificial islands in the USA, China, Europe and other countries of the world. The analytics of information on the purposes of creation of artificial islands is presented. The article assesses the role of artificial islands in solving issues related to the development of transportation corridors and sea routes, creation of new economic ties. Oil, gas and other minerals can be the subject of declaration, export and an important source of income for the state.  The data on production and export of oil and other natural resources in Russia, USA, China and other countries are given. Taking into account the information about the difficulties of placing artificial islands on the Northern Sea Route due to severe climatic conditions, as well as based on the data on the concentration of minerals on the African continent (oil, gas and other minerals), it is concluded that artificial islands can be a springboard for national interests outside the country. Having analyzed the prospects of cooperation and the existing experience of foreign countries in this sphere, a proposal was put forward to create artificial islands on the continental shelf of African countries within the framework of Russian-African cooperation.

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Land economics and policies


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