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Константин Семенович Терновых Наталья Викторовна Леонова Алена Леонидовна Маркова Артем Владимирович Крамаренко


The results of a study of the state and trends in the development of the horticulture industry in Russia at the present stage are presented. Since, in accordance with the food security doctrine, independence in the production of fruits and berries is achieved only by providing own production with horticultural products by at least 60%, special attention is paid to the production of high-quality fruit and berry products, support for agricultural producers. The article identifies the factors influencing the growth of fruit consumption in Russia: the increase in real incomes of the population, the stimulating factor for the growth of the level of consumption was the outpacing growth rate of real monetary incomes compared with the growth rate of prices for fruits and berries, the increase in consumer ability in fruit and berry production was influenced by the innovation-oriented development of the food industry, which significantly increased the output of canned food over the specified period.canned foods, juices, etc. The dynamics of the gross harvest of fruits and berries in the Russian Federation from 1976 to 2022 is analyzed, which indicates a tendency for its growth. During the years of reforms (1990-2022), the growth rate of gross fruit harvest exceeded the pre-reform level in the country by 64.2%. The highest growth rates were characterized by gross berry harvests – 2.0 times, and for stone fruits – by 67.1% and apples it turned out to be at the level of 56.4%. It has been revealed that the introduction of advanced production and technological solutions will make it possible to accelerate the process of import substitution and bring the industry to a self-sufficient level. In addition, the application of innovations in the horticulture industry can be achieved by implementing the main directions of structural adjustment and the implementation of innovative policies in the field of biotechnology.

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