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Александра Владимировна Кравец Оксана Модестовна Минаева Ираида Владимировна Грехова


The need for pre-sowing seed treatment from pathogens of seed infections is due to plant death, reduced yield, and deterioration of seed sowing properties. The purpose of the study: to study the possibility of using complex preparations based on the humic preparation Rostok and bacteria Pseudomonas extremorientalis to control pathogens of seed infections of spring wheat. The objectives included assessing the effectiveness of the humic preparation Rostok to create a complex preparation with bacteria to control pathogens of seed infections of spring wheat; analyzing the possibility of combining humic compounds and bacteria with a fungicide. Research by scientists from the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Research Institute of Agriculture and Peat showed high antifungal activity of the pseudomonad strain isolated from coprolites of earthworms Eisenia fetida Andrei. Objects of the study: soft spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Calixo; humic preparation Rostok; bacterial preparation Pseudomonas extremorientalis, systemic fungicide Oplot. To determine the antifungal effect, the phytoexpertise method was used in filter paper rolls. When combining biological and humic preparations, the fungicide was used in half the dose recommended by the manufacturer. The humic preparation Rostok at a concentration of 0.001% together with the bacteria Pseudomonas extremorientalis statistically significantly reduced the total contamination of seeds with pathogens of seed infections by 1,9 times (in the control 26%, in the variant – 14%). The use of the preparation Rostok together with the bacteria Pseudomonas extremorientalis and a half dose of the fungicide Oplot reduces the contamination of seeds with pathogens of seed infections by 4,3 times (in the control 26%, in the variant – 6%). The best option for suppressing pathogens of seed infections is the option of combining a fungicide and the drug Rostok: a reduction of 13,0 times (in the control 26%, in the option – 2%).

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Crop husbandry


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