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Никита Игоревич Попков


The article analyses investments in research and development (R&D) and scientific potential in agriculture in order to identify their impact on total factor productivity (TFP). The focus is on Russia and several developed and developing countries. The research methods include analyses of data from OECD and national statistical agencies on the volume of public and private investment, TFP dynamics based on USDA data, and an assessment of scientific activity through publications and patents from Scopus and WIPO databases. The results show that in Russia, despite stable TFP growth, 95% of all investments in R&D come from public funds, which, according to available scientific studies, may lead to lower efficiency of resource utilisation. At the same time, there is a significant increase in scientific and patent activity, approaching the indicators of developed countries. In the US and other developed countries, private investment in R&D accounts for a large share of R&D investment and continues to increase annually. The findings of the study emphasise the need to increase private investment in R&D to improve the efficiency of agriculture in Russia, as well as the importance of developing a system of intellectual property protection to stimulate innovation.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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