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Валентин Николаевич Курочкин


The application of Fibonacci numbers in the structuring of agricultural mechanized technologies with an emphasis on optimizing the fleet of harvesting and transport machines is considered. Based on patterns similar to natural ones, such as the Fibonacci sequence, the research is aimed at improving the efficiency of agricultural mechanization. A review of relevant studies highlights the prevalence of natural growth patterns in agriculture, although their application to the structuring of agricultural mechanized technologies has not been sufficiently studied. Structuring agricultural technologies based on Fibonacci numbers implements an adaptable approach to agricultural mechanization, linking technological processes more closely with natural systems. A study of the technology of harvesting and transporting grain crops confirmed the influence of the ratio of the number of combines and vehicles on the consistency of the system. Research has shown that Fibonacci-structured systems have led to reduced downtime and improved coordination between cleaning and transportation tasks, showing a 3% increase in operational efficiency. It is concluded that processes with a structure based on Fibonacci numbers have the potential to increase the efficiency of methods of using agricultural machinery.

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