Main Article Content
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the possibility of using a digital twin of a reclamation pond to determine its bathygraphic characteristics during its technical and environmental survey. The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of the work clearly illustrate the possibilities of using geographic information models of water bodies in solving digital land reclamation problems, in particular, in assessing and analyzing the dynamics of changes in its technical and environmental state. As a result of a technical and environmental survey of the pond and a retrospective analysis of its condition according to design data for 2023 and decryption of a satellite image of the «Landsat/Copernicus» family for 2024, it was established that the useful volume of the pond, which can be used for land reclamation purposes, is 109748,6 m3. Forcing volume is 78248,5 m3, dead volume – 110465,0 m3. When assessing the environmental situation, it was established that the area of the reservoir mirror at the standard retaining level decreased by 16%, the forested areas increased by 54,2%, and the area of the watered part decreased by 20,5% compared to the design one. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that it is advisable to use a digital twin of a reclamation pond to determine its bathygraphic characteristics during its technical and environmental survey.
Article Details
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