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Валентин Николаевич Курочкин


This article discusses the structure of the organization of the technological process of harvesting grain crops, as well as the possibilities of its mathematical modeling. Harvesting is an important stage in agriculture, requiring proper organization and optimization. The purpose of this study is to study the features of the technological system of harvesting, taken into account when developing mathematical models that allow optimizing and giving stability to this system. The genesis of modeling the object of study is considered: the harvesting and transport process. Generalization of the experience of research and experiments helped to substantiate the main provisions and suggest a trend in the development of modeling of this technological system. It was found that mathematical modeling of the harvesting and transport process opens up opportunities to increase its efficiency and digitalization. Digitalization of the process under study will allow: optimizing the use of resources, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of work in crop production. The use of digital models allows making more informed decisions and improving the quality of the production process.

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