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Елена Дмитриевна Кузнецова Наталья Викторовна Леонова Алена Леонидовна Маркова Ирина Алексеевна Колесникова


For agricultural enterprises, within the framework of strategic planning, it is important to have a well-formed specialization and an optimal combination of industries from the position of balance of resources and their maximum impact. Specialization determines the company's positioning in the market, creates conditions for sustainable competitive advantage and ensuring successful development in the long term. The problems of determining strategic specialization were investigated by us using the example of LLC SHP Novomarkovskoye in the Kantemirovsky district of the Voronezh Region, which is the largest in the region. Based on the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise, its financial condition, resource potential, the agro-food market, the system of existing state support in agriculture, two projects were identified for the farm under study, differing in the forecasting period and the directions of development of the livestock industry in the future. The first project involves the search for ways of development without changing the scale of animal husbandry, due to a scientifically sound and market-oriented structure of acreage. The second project is of a strategic nature, it is focused on 2029 and is associated with the development of breeding cattle breeding and beef cattle breeding at the enterprise (up to 1000 heads. with a train). With the implementation of the proposed projects, the enterprise will no longer be diversified with a developed dairy and meat industry, sunflower production, but will have an established dairy specialization. The proposed measures, in our opinion, are economically justified in the short and long term. They are aimed at optimizing the use of resource potential, developing promising areas for agriculture, maximizing the use of government support resources, etc.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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