Main Article Content
At present, during the period of economic turmoil, it is necessary to actively support agricultural organizations, because they are the backbone of the state, providing the population with high-quality food, as well as the necessary raw materials of the enterprise. Also, the main task is to create conditions conducive to the harmonious development of agricultural enterprises. This requires high-quality technical equipment at enterprises, as well as innovative business methods and modern digital tools integrated into the workspace of organizations. Ensuring food security is a key factor on which all transformations should be directed. The purpose of the work is to analyze the agricultural sector of the Penza region. The materials and methods of research are statistical data that reflect all the changes taking place in the agricultural sector. The methodology of the study is retrospective analysis and comparison, which allow you to compare trends with each other and draw a reasonable conclusion. The results of the study are the analysis of the development of the agricultural sector, the study of threats to the food security of the region, the identification of bottlenecks in the activities of agricultural enterprises, the proposal of recommendations and the directions of further development. At the end of the study, a general conclusion about the work done is presented.
Article Details
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