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In the period from 2022 to 2024, an agrobiological assessment of potato varieties was carried out and the results were presented on economically valuable characteristics – resistance to major diseases, high productivity, shelf life during winter storage and marketable qualities of tubers. 57 potato varieties obtained from the Research Institute of Potato Farming and the VIR collection were used as an object of research. Varietals: Northern Lights, Terra, Tuleevsky, Pink Magician, Alaska, Julia (K 25470), Krok (K 25466), Aania (K 24063), Pearl of Kamchatka (K25572), 138-3-2001, Bavator (K 25540), 40-2000, Luck (K 11900), 99-4-1, 12 //1-00, 13 // 11-09, Natalia (K 25541), 99-6-10, Athletic (K 25531), Caprice (K 25193), Partner (K 25542), Epic red kr., Virage ( K 25454), 97-159-3, Valeria (K 25527), 171-3, 39-1-2005, 190-4, Pink Magician (K 25536), 118-6-2011, 135-1-2006, 160-1, K 25430, I-4, I-10, I-9, I-15, Zorochka, Carnelian, Virage (K 25454), Naiad, Zhukovsky early, Epic, Nalchinsky, Success, Scrub, Lad, Guaranteed, Jeanne, Enchanter, Aurora, Mastak, Oscar, Eden, Lazarus, Line 34, Line 11. The varieties most adapted to the agroecological conditions of Yakutia have been identified. Zoned potato varieties were used as standards: Tulunsky early (ultra-early), Yakutyanka (early-ripening), Warmas (medium-ripe). From the studied group of cultivars, taking into account the complex of economically valuable characteristics, the varieties Terra, Tuleevsky, Julia (K 25470), Bavator (K25540), Virage (K 25454), Valeria (K25527), hybrid 39-1-2005 with a yield of 13.4 – 20.3t/ha were isolated.
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