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Aleksey Zhukov Karapet Ter-Zakaryan Alexander Chernov Ekaterina Bezverkhova Vladislav Krashchenko


Variety of insulation systems based on the application of products made of gas-filled cellular plastics are presented in the article. The remarkable fact is that gas-filled polymer materials based on polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and polyethylene foam used within the structures of constructional and industrial thermal insulation take the lead in most countries of the world. Their low density, vapor permeability, thermal conductivity as well as resistance to water effects are responsible for that. Major fields of application of these materials are insulation systems of framed constructions of low-rise buildings, insulation systems of buildings perimeter that contacts with the foundation, insulation systems of the roads and others.

The intention to create a seamless juncture of separate elements of insulating covering can be successfully accomplished owing to the application of rolled polyethylene foam (with metallized coating or without it) that is mechanically fixed on the construction and connected in a locking joint with subsequent hot air welding. These systems are used within the scope of construction of farmhouses and cottages, household and storage facilities, livestock housing.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Aleksey Zhukov

Aleksey Zhukov,

Cand.Tech.Sci., Associate Professor at the Department of Building materials and materials science of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MSUCE), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering (RAЕ)

Karapet Ter-Zakaryan

Karapet Ter-Zakaryan,

Managing Director of TEPOFOL Ltd.

Alexander Chernov

Alexander Chernov,

 student of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MSUCE)

Ekaterina Bezverkhova

Ekaterina Bezverkhova,

graduate student of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MSUCE)

Vladislav Krashchenko

Krashchenko Vladislav,

student of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MSUCE)


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