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Александр Алексеевич Кудрявцев


The article examines certain aspects of the functioning of digital platforms, the participants of which are small agricultural producers, as well as other subjects of agro-food chains. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors of value creation in digital platforms, that is, such conditions and characteristics that make the platform attractive to participants and owners of the platform. At the same time, special attention is paid to cases of creation of cooperative digital platforms.  As part of the survey of farms and households, it was determined that the main types of digital platforms they use are transactional (electronic trading platforms) and messengers (for communications within the framework of economic activities). Based on a review of the scientific literature, the most significant factors of value creation in digital platforms have been identified. The experience of the functioning of three cooperative digital platforms in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States is considered, their incomes and expenses are analyzed. It is revealed that the main factor in the development of these platforms is gratuitous financing in the form of grants and donations, as well as an integrated approach to the implementation of functions and an emphasis on the development of local communities and interaction with members in the format of not only online, but also real communication. The characteristics of digital platforms are systematized, in the development of which network effects and processes of joint value creation are manifested as the basis for value formation for platform participants. It is proposed to evaluate the factors of value creation in the digital platform in terms of their impact on the redistribution of value between individual entities (value added increase only for specific participants) and the increase in total value added (increase for all participants).

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Agricultural economics and policies


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