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Илья Витальевич Чуксин


The issues of management of agricultural land, which is especially valuable for every citizen, require developed methods and methodologies for assessing the efficiency of agricultural land use. The sustainability of agricultural production and the achievement of a balanced potential of productive agricultural lands can be objectively achieved with the presence of developed approaches to the assessment and ranking of potential-oriented traditional agricultural regions of the country in order to develop vectors for the development of agricultural sectors for the future. In the context of the issue under consideration, taxonomic analysis makes it possible to develop and obtain objective assessments for the formed taxa (conditional groups) of individual municipalities within a region based on the integral index in the rating. The integration of taxonomic analysis methods into the agricultural land management system of agrarian regions will allow for the formation and optimization of scenarios for the economic use of agricultural lands for agricultural production and the development of the most correct ways of their efficient use in the process of forecasting and planning the development of agriculture as a whole and its individual sectors.

Article Details

Agricultural economics and policies


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