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Кирилл Сергеевич Ильичев Анна Петровна Спиридонова


In the article, the authors proved that the involvement of public organizations and active citizens in the initiation, discussion and implementation of projects of the agglomeration spatial development strategy can significantly improve the quality of their development, the scientific validity of strategic plans. The participation of the local community in decision-making processes is the basis for the functioning and development of a true fair interaction. This improves the social dialogue on the most important issues of implementing the goals of strategic planning for the spatial development of regional agglomerations. In the agglomeration, it is necessary to use the practice of regular sociological research to justify strategic decisions. At all stages of conducting sociological research, it is necessary to use modern tools for public collection and evaluation of proposals, including in online format, to introduce crowdfunding (attracting financial resources from a large number of people) to implement significant projects for the spatial development of the agglomeration. Measures aimed at improving the quality of strategic planning for the spatial development of regional agglomerations have been identified, and indicators of the success of their implementation have been identified. It is important for territorial communities to cooperate in solving the problems of infrastructure development of key life support systems of regional agglomerations.

Article Details



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