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Юрий Анатольевич Цыпкин Ольга Олеговна Ведьманова Алексей Львович Шепелев


This scientific article discusses the necessity of megacity development in terms of creating a convenient urban environment by means of measures for the integrated development of territories. The object of scientific research is the process of suburbanization in the Troitsk Administrative District of Moscow. To determine the feasibility of the development of suburbanized territories, our group of authors uses the concept of “ethical urbanism” in continuation of the ideas of global evolutionism and humanistic principles, forming a new concept of “temporal composition”, which reflects the state and development of human society and materializes in the form of an object. Thus, our team conducted a study of the morphotypes of residential development of the district through the prism of global evolutionism. In the scientific article the morphotypes of residential development were being investigated according to the indicators of construction period, number of objects, total area, maximum storey and population, and conclusions and inferences were made based on the obtained values. The criteria of provision of suburbanized areas as a ratio of housing stock per capita were determined. To study the condition of suburbanized territories from the position of selection and sampling of objects for priority development, an algorithm consisting of three steps and one auxiliary element is proposed: classification of urban development morphology in the temporal composition, identification of zones of perspective development of suburbanized territories in the morphology of urban development, identification of zones of temporal composition of suburbanized territories in the morphology of urban development, the usage of heat maps from the existing population of the district. On the basis of the algorithm, the obtained conclusions and recommendations, the next steps in the prospects of scientific research are outlined.

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Land economics and policies


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