Main Article Content
The goal of developing the horticulture industry in the future is to overcome the shortage in the domestic production of fresh fruits and berries. The production of fruit and berry plantations, including planting materials, laying and caring for perennial plantings, is a priority sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex within the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets. The work analyzed the daily consumption of fruits and berries and revealed that the level of self-sufficiency was only 77%. The main directions of increasing the production of horticultural products were identified, one of which is state support.
The research allowed us to determine the directions of state support, an analysis of the calculation of rates per 1 hectare of the area of laying multi-year plantings with subsidies at the federal and regional levels was carried out. The mechanism of providing state support for obtaining subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of planting and caring for multi-year plantings, including nurseries, and uprooting decommissioned perennial plantings is considered in more detail using the example of the Voronezh Region. The evaluation of the subprogram "Horticulture and nursery development in the Russian Federation" was carried out, which provides for the improvement and implementation of a scientifically based nursery management system, which will be the basis for the intensification of horticulture, contributing to reducing dependence on imports.
Article Details
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