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Рамин Алястан Аббасов


This study focuses on the development of the immune system of newborn calves and their physiological characteristics during the first period of their life. Calves have a weak immune system during the first 24-48 hours after birth, as their immune system is not fully developed. The most important factor in the healthy development of calves is that they are fed colostrum (first colostrum). Colostrum is the main source providing passive immunity of calves and their protection from diseases. The aim of the study is to analyse the immunoglobulins (especially IgG) contained in colostrum and their role in the development of the calves' immune system. The digestive system of calves, the feed furrow reflex, the role of the lipase enzyme in the oral cavity, and other physiological features are also being studied. Proper milking technology, feeding regimen and healthy formation of intestinal microflora are of great importance for the healthy development of calves. The study presents practical approaches and recommendations to ensure the preservation and development of calves' health.

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Animal production


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